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Submitted by: Jennifer Cheek
Question: 1
Which of the following status texts indicates that the proposed value for at least one field in the subordinate levels of the hierarchy has been changed from the SAP default value?
A. Standard
B. Manual
C. Maintained
D. Changed
Answer: D
Question: 2
Which of the following user types is used to set up Central User Administration (CUA)?
A. Reference (L)
B. Dialog (A)
C. Service (S)
D. System (B)
Answer: D
Question: 3
Which the following tables are used to assign authorization groups to tables and views?
Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question.
B. V_DDAT_54
D. V_BRG_54
Answer: B, D
Question: 4
Which components that a derived role inherits from a reference role can you change in the derived role?
Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question.
A. Authorizations
B. Menus
C. Organizational levels
D. User assignments
Answer: A, C
Question: 5
Which of the following can you use to create users in the context of active Central User Administration (CUA)?
A. Transaction SU01 in the central system
B. Transaction PFCG in the child system
C. Transaction PFCG in the central system
D. Transaction SU01 in the child system
Answer: A
Question: 6
To provide continuous access management (stay clean), which of the following can you use to establish end-to-end compliance with SAP Access Control?
Note: There are 3 correct answers to this question.
A. Enterprise Role Management
B. Periodic access review and audit
C. Compliant User Provisioning
D. AIS reports
E. Superuser Privilege Management
Answer: A, C, E
Question: 7
Which action is the last step in the setup of Central User Administration (CUA)?
A. Create the user master (transaction SU01).
B. Check distribution logs (transaction SCUL).
C. Synchronize the company addresses to CUA (transaction SCUG).
D. Set the parameters for field distribution (transaction SCUM).
Answer: B
Question: 8
You want to administer the following clients from a master client:
3 clients of a development system
2 clients of a test system
2 clients of a production system
How many Remote Function Call (RFC) connections are required in Central User Administration (CUA)?
A. 15
B. 14
C. 8
D. 10
Answer: D
Question: 9
You are to configure a compliant identity management process flow.
Which of the following components from SAP Access Control and SAP NetWeaver Identity Management (SAP NetWeaver ID Management) are required?
Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question.
A. SAP NetWeaver ID Management – Identity Center (IC) and Virtual Directory Server (VDS)
B. SAP BusinessObjects – Enterprise Role Management (ERM) and Superuser Privilege Management (SPM)
C. SAP NetWeaver ID Management – Dispatcher Runtime Engine and Event Agent Service
D. SAP BusinessObjects – Risk Analysis and Remediation (RAR) and Compliant User Provisioning (CUP) components
Answer: A, D
Question: 10
Which transaction do you use to set distribution parameters for Central User Administration (CUA)?
Answer: C
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About the Author: Test Information:Total Questions: 80Test Number: C_AUDSEC_731Vendor Name: SAPCert Name: SAP CERTIFIED TECHNOLOGY ASSOCIATETest Name: SAP Certified Technology Associate – SAP Authorization and Auditing for SAP NetWeaver 7.31Official Site:
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